All customers want to reduce the cost of their supplies but this piece will attempt to explain how that can be a short-sighted approach. I want to hear from businesses with strong examples of how they have turned procurement into a constructive partnership.
My deadline for interviews is close of play on Thursday 29 January. Please only send pitches that are relevant to this article and note that I do not wish to use canned quotes littered with empty jargon!
*Strategic Procurement
Since the recession the procurement arm has focused on helping companies to cut costs and squeeze suppliers. But as the economy continues to strengthen it is becoming an area where businesses can reap major benefits. When a procurement function brings in and nutures the right skills, allows for strong communications and works effectively with suppliers, a real strategic gain is achieved. This piece should evaluate the factors to be considered when constructing a first class procurement operation and look into how companies are working more innovatively with suppliers. It will contain a box-out listing top procurement tips for the supply chain.